

Cover of Science Fiction Novel Angel on the Ropes by Jill Shultz
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SF/F novelist Jill Shultz talks about her social science fiction novel, Angel on the Ropes, writing, and the subversiveness of circus, as well as its links to social justice.

"Off the Page," WSKG-FM, Nov. 2013 (Audio)
Conversation about Angel on the Ropes with host Bill Jaker. You can listen to the recording on the WSKG site by clicking the link above, or stay on this site and listen using the recording embedded below (requires Flash).

BooksBooksBooks, Sept. 2013
Q&A about writing

Story Behind Angel on the Ropes, July 2013
"Usually I crumpled to the floor before I found the right noun, let alone the verb, and feared that a complete predicate might leave me bruised or seriously woozy."

Essay about the inspirations for the book, focusing on the development of Amandine's character, writing the trapeze scenes, and the subversiveness of circus.